Hiring positions

I am looking for the following talented people!

To apply, fill out the form according to your category and Email it to fantagespy@live.com


People who can make original Fantage edits/customs, and draw digitally. The art you post should be related to Fantage 🙂

Fill out this form to apply as an Editor/Artist

Your Fantage User:

Your Fantage IDfone (wearing your fav outfit):

3 of your edits:

3 digital drawings:

1 custom you’ve done (optional):

Game Host

A person who has a nice inventory (to play fashion show), and someone who knows how to play a lot of multi player games on Fantage.

Preferably someone who is pro at Q-Blast and proficient in most of Fantage’s multi player games.

If you are interested in this role, you can be the Game Host on Fantage Spy!

Fill out this form to apply as an Editor/Artist

Your Fantage User:

Your Fantage IDfone (wearing your fav outfit):

3 of your fav games:

Your Q-Blast level:

Show me…

a RED themed outfit 

a YELLOW themed outfit

a FOOD themed outfit

a BEACH themed outfit


Are you good at making random, but funny posts? (not spam, please dont spam).

Then you might be a good contributor!

Fill out this form to apply as an Editor/Artist

Type up a “funny” post (Fantage related). Be creative!


Email your application to fantagespy@live.com 

24 thoughts on “Hiring positions

      1. So, I wouldn’t have to fill the application out again if I previously sent one using the application form on your other post? ( I would like to be a Editor/Artist)

  1. hey, i already applied. do i have to fill it out again? I sent you my application (as an Editor/Artist). I also sent you some of my other custom edits, but as you did not reply, I don’t know if you got it.

  2. Mind if I ask why most Fantagian authors were removed? As said before, you REALLY didn’t have to remove them all… In my opinion, it’s completely okay to have a lot of admins, as long as they’re all quirky and unique.

  3. Hello? I Already Filled It, So Do I Have To Fill This One Too?

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