New Outfits & Hairstyles!



Wow! Look at these new outfit and hairstyles Fantage just released! These new set of winter clothes will keep you warm and stylish at the same time.

Outfit 1

Somehow this outfit reminds me of Paris. I like the colour combination on this outfit: Cream x Purple! Mix and match the top and the skirt with other clothing, they go well with white, purple, brown, blue etc.Screenshot_29

Outfit 2

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This outfit is classy~I can picture this on a garden party or a visit to the palace lol.. My most favourite piece here is the hair! too bad it’s pricey 😥 Bye bye to my ecoins..

Screenshot_30Match the top with a darker colour to make it stand out.

Outfit 3

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Yay another pretty outfit for nons! Love the blue sweater ❤

Fantage did a great job on designing these outfits, even the outfit for nons. To end this post, here’s some fantagian spotted wearing the new items. Hope this inspires you 🙂

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12 thoughts on “New Outfits & Hairstyles!

  1. I was wearing Sky Headphones (I think that’s what it’s called) from the previous shop items with the MP3 Player – looked really cool, like it was one type of accessory or something.
    I’m wearing that now *v*

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